Among the Punishments of Sins:
- There is the weakening of the journey to Allaah and the (blessed)
abode of the Hereafter.
- There is the stoppage of blessings and the lowering of punishments.
- A servant is living in a state of fear, dread and loneliness.
- The heart is turned away from a condition of healthiness and correctness
to that of illness and deviation.
- The heart becomes blind and its light is extinguished.
- The removal of status, honor and respect in the sight of Allaah and
His creation.
- A decrease in one's intellect.
- The blessings of long-life, provisions, knowledge, deeds and obedience
are blotted out.
- The various species of creation confront the servant with injury.
- The servant forgets himself.
- The Guardian Angel withdraws from the servant and Shaytaan draws
near to him.
Source: Sins and Their Punishments
- by Ibnul Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah (rahimahullaah) pg. 29